Findhorn Coastal Rowing Club Constitution
- Name of organisation
- The group will be known as ‘Findhorn Coastal Rowing Club’, herein after referred to as ‘the Club’.
- Aims of organisation
- To promote local interest in coastal rowing
- To develop traditional boat skills locally, by building and maintaining skiffs and to learn from others within the coastal rowing community and other relevant organisations
- To develop skills and understanding of all the elements of coastal rowing and activity, promoting safe operating practices
- To support members to develop their rowing skills
- To encourage and promote the physical and emotional wellbeing of all the members
- To encourage and promote social inclusion, offering opportunities to engage in social activities, fundraising events and generally being part of a team
- To collaborate with other local organisations, developing strong networks to build a resilient community
- To encourage and support those members who wish to develop their leadership skills, either by playing an active role in the Club, being a member of the Committee, or through Cox training
- To provide opportunities to engage with other coastal rowing clubs and participate in competitions, regattas, or social rows and events
- To support and encourage an inclusive Club, by making efforts to break down the barriers to social inclusion
- To create an enjoyable and affordable experience for all involved, with the main objective of having fun, whilst ensuring the safety of all members and visitors to the Club
- To promote local interest in coastal rowing
- The Organisation
- Boat building / maintenance of skiffs / equipment
- Members will share the responsibility for maintenance of the skiffs and general care and upkeep of the Clubs equipment, within their skill set, availability and limitations e.g. building a skiff, carrying out physical maintenance and improvements of the skiffs, cleaning the boat, tidying the boat shed etc.
- The skiffs and equipment purchased from Club funds, or donated to the Club, will be the property of the Club.
- Members will share the responsibility for maintenance of the skiffs and general care and upkeep of the Clubs equipment, within their skill set, availability and limitations e.g. building a skiff, carrying out physical maintenance and improvements of the skiffs, cleaning the boat, tidying the boat shed etc.
- 3.2 Training
- Ongoing training will be given to ensure the safe participation of members in rowing activities.
- The Club shall be a member of the Coastal Rowing Association and seek their advice regarding rowing techniques and training.
- The Club will seek to develop good working relationships with other coastal rowing clubs and encourage the sharing of training opportunities, developments in the Club and improvements in the skiffs, techniques and practices.
- Ongoing training will be given to ensure the safe participation of members in rowing activities.
- Competition
- The Club will support and encourage inter-club competitions.
- Where possible, the Club will network and help other coastal rowing clubs develop.
- Safety
- The safety of all Club members and visitors will be the primary concern during sea activities.
- Appropriate safety equipment will be provided for all members involved in rowing. The equipment will be subject to regular inspection and maintenance where necessary. It is the responsibility of all members to report any concerns regarding the safety of equipment immediately. This should be reported either a) directly to the Cox, who will report immediately to the Safety Officer, or b) to the Safety Officer directly.
- Appropriate insurance will be sought and renewed annually.
- Boat building / maintenance of skiffs / equipment
- Finance
- The Club will be non-profit making, relying on fund raising locally, or through applications to other funding sources.
- The funds of the Club will solely be used to meet the Aims of the Club.
- Club funds will be held in a Club bank account and managed by the Committee. The Treasurer will keep a record of all income and expenditure of the Club.
- Expenditure of Club funds will be authorised by Committee members. Bank statements, petty cash book and receipts will be available at each Committee meeting.
- The Club accounts will be audited each year by an independent professional person, or body, and a balance sheet presented at the A.G.M.
- Membership of the Club
- Membership is open to all interested persons 18 years or over. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to anyone acting against this Club’s Aims.
- Applications for membership should be made using the application form available on the Club website.
- A subscription for membership will be levied annually. Subscriptions will be reviewed annually at the A.G.M. or at an E.G.M. (Extraordinary General Meeting), called for this purpose.
- The Secretary will keep a membership register.
- Every member shall have one vote at any meeting.
- Anyone wishing to withdraw from membership may do so by writing to the Committee. Annual subscriptions are non-refundable.
- Any person may be expelled from membership of the Club, by way of a resolution being passed by majority vote at a General Meeting (meeting of members), providing the following procedures have been observed:-
- At least 21 days notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion.
- The member concerned shall be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the General Meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
- At least 21 days notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion.
- Membership of the Club
- Annual General Meeting
- The A.G.M. will be held annually, approximately 12 months apart. At least 4 weeks-notice will be given advising of the A.G.M. meeting time and place.
- The business of the A.G.M. will include:-
- The reading and adoption of the previous year’s minutes.
- A report on the previous year’s activities.
- A financial report audited as noted above.
- Resignation of current Committee.
- Nominations and election of the new Committee including Office Bearers.
- Proposals for the Club during the following year.
- Any additional motions from members, submitted in writing to the Captain, (i.e. Chair) at least 24 hrs in advance of the A.G.M.
- A.O.C.B.
- Extraordinary General Meetings
- E.G.M.’s can be called by the Committee as necessary.
- A request for an E.G.M. may be made by members in writing to the Committee. The reason for the request should be stated and this signed by at least 4 club members.
- At least 2 weeks notice of an E.G.M., together with its purpose will be given
- Alterations to the Constitution
- Changes to the Constitution can only be made at an A.G.M. or an E.G.M. called for this purpose.
- Due notice of the proposed changes should be given in advance of the meeting.
- Agreement of at least two thirds of those present is required, for changes to be accepted.
- Dissolution
- The Club can only be dissolved at an A.G.M. or E.G.M, called for this purpose.
- Agreement of at least two thirds of those present is required.
- Trustees to take charge of the dissolution will be elected by the remaining membership.
- All assets of the Club at the date of dissolution, will be held by at least two Trustees, for an agreed period, in case of reactivation of the Club at a later date.
- Thereafter, the Trustees will decide to donate the remaining funds to a club of their choice, having similar aims to that of the Club.
- The Club can only be dissolved at an A.G.M. or E.G.M, called for this purpose.